Gross-Gerau's synagogue and memorial:

  • January 29, 2010
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‘A warning to the living!’

A Jewish community was established in 1738 in Gross-Gerau, a town south of Frankfurt, and the synagogue was built in 1892. The number of Jews in 1885 was 141 (4% of the total population) and 161 in 1925 (3% of the total population). Nearly all the Jews left after 1933, and on November 4, 1940, the town was declared Judenrein (free of Jews). The synagogue was destroyed during Kristallnacht.

This memorial, installed in the 1990s at the site of the synagogue, reads: “Here stood in 1892 the Jewish Synagogue which was destroyed on November 9, 1938 by an inhumane regime. A warning to the living!”

"A warning to the living!" Memorial in parking lot where Gross-Gerau synagogue once stood
The Gross-Gerau synagogue (behind plaza)

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