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Featured Books
The Sibling Estrangement Journal
Buy on AmazonA companion guide to Brothers, Sisters, Strangers to help you make peace with your sibling relationship. Sibling estrangement often carries profound hurt, grief, and a deep stigma.
Brothers, Sisters, Strangers
Buy NowA warm, empathetic guide to understanding, coping with, and healing from the unique pain of sibling estrangement.
Is it Night or Day?
Buy on AmazonThis historical novel, a Junior Library Guild selection based upon the childhood immigration experience of the author’s mother, explores immigration and identity through a little-known American program that rescued 1,400 youngsters from the Holocaust.

School Visits
FSC has presented at hundreds of schools to thousands of students. She is a featured speaker for immigration and Holocaust units.
Many of Fern's programs fulfill state requirements to teach the Holocaust. All programs can be customized to the appropriate grade level.
Featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network: How 8th Graders Reunited Two Holocaust Refugees