
Five Stages of Grief for Estranged Siblings

  The five stages of grief for those estranged from a sibling are different from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief for a death.

Buy tickets now for the Zoom theatre production of “Motherland”

  Chicago Writers’ Bloc celebrates 30th Anniversary with Benefit and 2022 New Play Festival CHICAGO - Chicago Writers’ Bloc announced that it will celebrate its 30th Anniversary with a benefit and staged readings of 10 new works presented as part of its 2022 New Plays Festival, running May 23 to June 14 at the Raven Theater, 6157 N. Clark St. in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood. The festival will launch with a ...

Toronto Star advice columnist features my brother’s and my estrangement and reconciliation  

Mothers of estranged siblings may suffer on Mother’s Day

When adult children have nothing to do with each other, mothers (and fathers) don’t have the opportunity to gather with the entire family on holidays like Mother's Day. Instead, they have to choose whose house they will visit, and that often insults one child or another.

Five Life Stages when Siblings Are at Risk for Estrangement

Certain moments are especially vulnerable for the sibling relationship, as brothers and sisters must renegotiate how they interact with one another over the course of a lifetime. In fact, estrangement often occurs when a sibling’s life circumstances change and he or she must redefine his or her role in the family. blog post:

Tickets are now available for the Zoom production of Motherland, the play

I lived it, and now I am re-living it on the "stage". You can, too! :) Actors Diane Dorsey and Suzy Brack (below) are Edith and Fern in the play. Tickets are now available for the Zoom production of Motherland. Diane Dorsey is cast as Edith (my mother) and Suzy Brack will play me.

Interview with author marks one year anniversary of her book, Brothers, Sisters, Strangers In this special video, we discuss Fern Schumer Chapman's book, Brothers, Sisters, Strangers: Sibling Estrangement and the Road to Reconciliation, one year after its publication. Here, Fern shares her own heartbreak and devastation during the decades-long estrangement with her only brother. She talks about why she decided to write the book, and the challenges of finding resources for the under-investigated topic of sibling estrangement. The book was released during ...

Mark National Siblings Day by Making Peace With Estrangement

National Siblings Day is April 10—just around the corner. For sisters and brothers who enjoy good relationships, it’s a welcome cue to appreciate those loving bonds. But for the estranged, National Sibling Day is no cause for celebration.

New post: Ten risk factors for sibling estrangement

In 2014, when a possibility of reconciliation with my estranged brother surfaced, I was determined to do everything possible to reestablish a connection—and never let it go. I sent myself on a quest to understand the complexities of sibling estrangement. I soon realized that the topic is grossly unacknowledged and under-investigated. Nonetheless, I was surprised to learn that social science research has identified certain risk factors that increase the chances ...

My mother’s beloved storks return to her hometown in Germany

For fans of MOTHERLAND and my mom, Edith Westerfeld Schumer… My dear German friend sent me these photos this morning. My mother's beloved storks have just returned to Stockstadt. When my mother was a child, she would say good-bye to the birds in the fall when they migrated to Africa. Every spring, she would wait for them to return. She could recognize some of the birds and she even named them. ...