My German friend, Gert Krell, and I are launching a new blog called “Shadows of the Holocaust: An American and a German discuss the legacies of the Nazi era.“ The blog will be an ongoing conversation between an American and a German that explores how the Holocaust has defined the lives of a generation removed.
Here’s a brief bio of my German correspondent:
Dr. Gert Krell is a retired professor of international relations from the Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Previously, he was a director of research and also the executive director at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). He briefly served as the assistant director for regional security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London. Gert writes scholarly articles and is working on a book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Born in Darmstadt in 1945, Gert studied English, history and political science at Marburg and Frankfurt/Main, received his Ph.D. from Frankfurt University in 1976 and his Venia Legendi (authorization to teach at a university) in International Relations from Giessen University in 1984.
You can learn more about Gert and his thinking at our new blog. I will post a link to the new blog at this website or you can visit the blog directly at shadowsoftheholocaust.com. Our first exchange called, “The Sting of the Wasp,” will appear within the next few weeks.
Thanks for reading!