
The Reunion, an Author Guest post at

The Reunion, an Author Guest Post by Fern Schumer Chapman “But what happened to Gerda?” a middle-school student asked after a presentation about my book, Is It Night or Day?. The historical novel tells the story of a little-known American program that rescued 1,000 children from Nazi Germany and chronicles the friendship of two 12-year-old refugees: Edith Westerfeld, who grew up to be my mother, and Gerda Katz, whom Edith ...

Gazebo News announces paperback of ‘Night or Day’ blog announces the paperback edition of ‘Night or Day’

Marking the release of the paperback edition, here's a blog I wrote about the reunion of the two Holocaust refugees featured in my book.

Edith goes to the Barnes & Noble…

  ...To buy her life story in paperback!

Happy Publication Day!

Just called my local B&N. They have five on hand and several are being held for customers at the front desk.

Traughber 7th graders hug-mob Edith

Traughber 7th graders in Oswego, Illinois hug Edith after hearing her story at a school presentation.

TV feature on German Society to Preserve Jewish Culture

This is the organization that arranged for the German translation of MOTHERLAND. It also pushed for the installation of the Stumbling Stones in Stockstadt, Germany.

A rock-star welcome at Gower Middle School, Burr Ridge, IL

  Thank you, Gower Middle School students, for the warm welcome and the beautiful day.

Coming in March: Is It Night or Day? paperback edition

Square Fish will release the paperback edition of IS IT NIGHT OR DAY? on March 18, 2014. The book includes bonus material -- a Q/A with the author, a 3,000-word story of how 8th graders reunited the two Holocaust refugees featured in the book, and the Teachers Guide, which is aligned with the new Core Curriculum Standards. Fern Schumer Chapman is scheduling school speeches tied to the paperback release at ...

Stockstadt mayor makes the case for Stumbling Stones

      Here is part of what the mayor, who expected a fight, told the Community Council this week:       Stockstadt am Rhine had a relatively small Jewish community,  composed mainly of Westerfeld, Kahn, and Gutjahr families. The survivors and descendants of the Westerfelds have explicitly expressed interest and agreed to the stumbling blocks. The story of this family is well known, in part because of the ...