
Author now offers one-on-one estrangement coaching

I have worked with many clients as they navigate the range of emotions of sibling estrangement – from anger to sadness to rumination. Often, those who are shunned are struggling with ongoing grief, as they mourn the living. I offer private, one-on-one sessions to discuss estrangement, reconciliation, and family relations in general. I draw upon my research for the books I’ve written on this topic, as well as my lived experience ...

Amazon is offering Brothers, Sisters, Strangers for $18.99 right now!

Amazon is offering BROTHERS, SISTERS, STRANGERS at a 32% discount right now. The hardcover is only $18.99 -- $9 off the regular price.

Sibling Connections in Childhood Define Adult Relationships

  “The influence brothers and sisters have on each other’s lives goes far beyond their own interactions,” Dr. Lewis writes. “Understanding the quality and emotional tone of the childhood relationship provides a rich source of information about and explanations for who siblings are today.”

New review: The Sibling Estrangement Journal is “better than a glass of wine!”

Grateful to EstrangedSib for this five star review on Amazon of THE SIBLING ESTRANGEMENT JOURNAL:   5.0 out of 5 stars Costs less than a glass of wine & much more effective Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2023 Verified Purchase This is the best money I've spent on coping with the emotions of my sibling totally estranging me more than two years ago now. I highly recommend ...

“I had to tell someone before I die.”

After I gave a presentation about my mother’s Holocaust history at a senior residence in Chicago a few years ago, a man in his late 80s came up to me and whispered, “I want to tell you something.” He grabbed my elbow and ushered me into a private corner of the room. “I’ve never told anyone this before.” Tears streaked his face, and he bit his lip as he worked ...

How Siblings Contribute to “The Good Life”

A new book finds that relationships — especially with siblings — make life fulfilling.

What can remain of a family murdered 52 years ago?

On my first trip to my mother’s town, Stockstadt am Rhein, I wondered if there would be any physical evidence of her past. “What can remain of a family destroyed fifty-two years earlier?” I wrote in my memoir, Motherland. I learned then that the past has peculiar ways of inserting itself into the present. When we first arrived in Germany, my mother turned to me and said, “We can’t leave ...

Three Hidden Influences in Sibling Relationships

Personification, core beliefs, trauma bonding, oh my!

A remarkable experience at Glenside Middle School!

  A student creates a paper stumbling stone to remember a Holocaust victim and teacher actually knew the man she memorialized!

BBC-Wales explores sibling estrangement and the Royals divide

Price Harry's memoir, Spare, has sparked interest in sibling estrangement. Here, BBC-Wales addresses the subject and also explores the rarely discussed topic of estrangement due to religious differences. #siblings #estrangement #royals #cutout #alienation #silenttreatment #family #familydynamics