
Not far from home, recent local school visits…

Writers Workshop, Northwood Junior High School, Highland Park, Illinois on February 18, 2011

A Tarkington (TX) Middle School student asks…

Tarkington Middle School, Tarkington, Texas After a two-day visit to schools in Texas, I received this question from a student: Dear Mrs. Chapman, You wouldn't believe I figured out I have German in me, but also some Jewish, like you!! I attend Tarkington Middle School and I'm 12 years old. I asked my mother if we could order Is It Night or Day?, but she said "no," but today, February ...

Where Mina once lived…

Theater in renovated barn on Mina's property on a wintry day Readers of Motherland might be curious to see this photo. Mina's son, Juergen, now lives in Mina's house and he has made dramatic changes to the property. He renovated the dilapidated house and converted the vacant barn into a theater. During the 1950s and 1960s, Mina ran a sanitarium in the barn, offering patients the fresh air and pastoral ...

Teaching Tolerance showcases 'N or D'

The Southern Poverty Law Center's magazine, Teaching Tolerance, named Is It Night or Day? as a "Teaching Tool" in its Spring, 2011 issue: Is It Night or Day? ($17.99), by Fern Schumer Chapman, tells the story of Edith Westerfeld, a 12-year-old Jewish girl whose parents send her, alone, to the United States in 1938 to escape the Nazis. Told in Edith’s voice, the novel captures both the specific fears of ...

AJL names 'N or D' Notable Book

2011 SYDNEY TAYLOR BOOK AWARDS ANNOUNCED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH LIBRARIES (Los Angeles — January 9, 2011) The Sydney Taylor Book Award Winner for Younger Readers: Gathering Sparks by Howard Schwartz with illustrations by Kristina Swarner (Roaring Brook Press, an imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group) The Sydney Taylor Book Award Winner for Older Readers: Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword by Barry Deutsch (Amulet Books, an imprint ...

Thoughts about 'Motherland' from Mauritius

Mauritius, an island nation off the southeast coast of Africa in the southwest Indian Ocean Hi Fern, While reading the story of your mother I kept on seeing my husband's mom who passed away just a few years ago! So many similarities that is is almost shocking!! She too left Europe on the kindertransport when she was 12 yrs old. She went to the UK and was taken in by ...

Comments from a young reader

From the blog called Polishing Mud Balls EJ’s Thoughts (age 11): Is It Night or Day?, yes this is the title of one of the best books I have ever read. Basically, Edith, a Jewish German must move away from her home in Germany. She moves from her family to live in Chicago because of World War II. She has to learn English and try to fit in with Americans. ...

CPL names 'N or D' to Best of the Best list

2010 Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Books Black Jack by Charles R. Smith Jr. Roaring Brook / ISBN: 9781596434738 / Hardcover/ $16.99 Clemente! by Willie Perdomo Henry Holt / ISBN: 9780805082241 / Hardcover/ $16.99 For Good Measure by Ken Robbins Roaring Brook / ISBN: 9781596433441 / Hardcover / $17.99 Is It Night or Day? by Fern Schumer Chapman FSG / ISBN: 9780374177447 / Hardcover / $17.99 Revolver by ...

Classroom projects for 'Is It Night or Day?'

The complete list of projects is available to download on the home page of this website: Here are the first four project ideas for teachers: * Edith Westerfeld is a child immigrant, a young girl whose parents sent her to the United States in 1938 in order to avoid the terrible persecution against Jews in Nazi Germany. Immigration is never an easy thing to do. Create a poster or ...

The Breman Jewish Heritage and Holocaust Museum presents the 1,000 children

The Breman Jewish Heritage and Holocaust Museum in Atlanta, Georgia is one of the first to include information on the One Thousand Children. Here is some of the museum's content: Telegram that states that Charlotte Dreyfuss and Heinz (Henry) Birnbrey are in the United States and en route to Atlanta. Like the Kindertransport, the intent of the One Thousand Children effort was to help Jewish children leave Nazi occupied areas. ...