Is it Night or Day?
This historical novel, a Junior Library Guild selection based upon the childhood immigration experience of the author’s mother, explores immigration and identity through a little-known American program that rescued 1,400 youngsters from the Holocaust.
About the Book
Hardcover: 978-1-962817-07-3
Paperback: 978-1-962817-10-3
ebook: 978-1-962817-08-0
Audio book: 978-1-962817-09-7
It’s 1938, and twelve-year-old Edith is about to move from the tiny German village she’s lived in all her life to a place that seems as foreign as the moon: Chicago, Illinois. And she will be doing it alone. This dramatic and chilling novel about one girl’s escape from Hitler’s Germany was inspired by the experiences of the author’s mother, one of twelve hundred children rescued by Americans as part of the One Thousand Children project.
This title has Common Core connections. Teacher’s Guides are available at this link:
Sample classroom projects are available here:
FSC suggests “Best Books about Making Good Trouble.” Click on this link:
- Illinois Reads selection 2013
- Junior Library Guild selection, spring 2010
- Booklist Top Ten Historic Fiction title for Youth 2010
- Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Best Fiction Nominee for Young Adults 2010
- Booklist starred review
- 5th grade Summer Reading List 2010
- Moonbeam Gold Medal Winner – Young Adult Fiction
- Historical/CulturalChicago Public Library “Best of the Best” 2010
- Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance teaching tool
- Sydney Taylor Notable Book 2010
- Maine State Student Book Award Title List
- Bank Street College’s “Best Children’s Books of the Year” Master List
- Tennessee YA Volunteer State Book Award Master List
- South Carolina Book Award Nominee, 2012-13
- Garden State Teen Book Awards Honorable Mentions List, 2012
- Selection for One Book/One Community program in Waseca, MN and Libertyville/Vernon Hills, IL
Author Awards