Black Jack by Charles R. Smith Jr.
Roaring Brook / ISBN: 9781596434738 / Hardcover/ $16.99
Clemente! by Willie Perdomo
Henry Holt / ISBN: 9780805082241 / Hardcover/ $16.99
For Good Measure by Ken Robbins
Roaring Brook / ISBN: 9781596433441 / Hardcover / $17.99
Is It Night or Day? by Fern Schumer Chapman
FSG / ISBN: 9780374177447 / Hardcover / $17.99
Revolver by Marcus Sedgwick
Roaring Brook / IBSN: 9781596435926 / Hardcover / $16.99
School!: Adventures at the Harvey N. Trouble Elementary School by Kate McMullan
Feiwel & Friends / ISBN: 9780312375928 / Paper Over Board / $12.99
A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead; Illustrated by Erin E. Stead
Roaring Brook / ISBN: 9781596434028 / Hardcover / $16.99
Sleepy, Oh So Sleepy by Denise Fleming
Henry Holt / ISBN: 9780805081268 / Hardcover / $16.99
This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas
FSG / ISBN: 9780374314729 / Hardcover / $16.99
Watch Out, World–Rosy Cole is Going Green! by Sheila Greenwald
FSG / ISBN: 9780374362805 / Hardcover / $15.99
The Water Seeker by Kimberly Willis Holt
Henry Holt / ISBN: 9780805080209 / Hardcover / $16.99
As every year, this list is presented in workshops to hundreds of public and school librarians from across Chicagoland, distributed to bookstores and put into wide release in the Chicago media. The complete annotated list will be available in early 2011 at http://www.chipublib.org/forkids/index.php and http://www.chipublib.org/forteens/index.php.