
Great to visit with Deerfield High School students who read IS IT NIGHT OR DAY?

Presentation at Deerfield High School. Students read IS IT NIGHT OR DAY? and we discussed how the book resonates with today's issues -- restrictive immigration, unaccompanied minors, and anti-Semitism. Thanks to English teacher Stephanie Martin for organizing the event.

CNN poll finds one-third of Europeans know little about Holocaust

Germany’s Sunday of the Dead

Today is Totensonntag in Germany -- The Sunday of the Dead, a religious holiday in the German Evangelical Church dedicated to the memory of those who have passed away. Each year, a friend and her son remember my family by visiting the stolpersteine memorial stones that were installed in front of the old family home in Stockstadt am Rhein. Here is the picture she sent me today.

Thank you, HIAS!!!

Thank you, HIAS, for saving my mom from Nazi Germany in 1938. She was only 12 years old and no other country would take her or her family. Your Children's Bureau brought her to America. Her parents were murdered.

Scholastic offers IS IT NIGHT OR DAY? for only $4

Scholastic is offering $4 copies of IS IT NIGHT OR DAY? in the October YA Teens newsletter! It's listed under "Want To Know More About WWII?"…/dw87071abd/categories/4_2/4_…


"This is a very good (and very important) book about a girl...who lost everything to war and had to start anew in America as a refugee in the 1940s, and her return to the land she once loved...I highly recommend this book for school libraries, public libraries, Holocaust Studies classrooms and resource rooms, and for personal collections. The issue of memory is a powerful one in Holocaust Studies and this ...

Found in my mother’s basement

Another remarkable find from the archeological dig in my mother's basement -- her German family's book of Hebrew prayers that was published in 1872. My great-grandfather wrote his name on the first page, Maier Westerfeld; the year, 1906; and the name of the town, Stockstadt. My mother remembers her parents stuffing the little book in her suitcase just before she left Germany for America in 1938.

Rick Kogan interviews FSC and designer Tom Greensfelder on “After Hours” WGN- Radio 720