Square Fish Press will release a paperback edition of IS IT NIGHT OR DAY? in March, 2014. Here is a recent review of the book: http://www.wce.wwu.edu/Resources/NWCHE/Reviews/YAwomenreview.shtml
My mother, who is the subject of my books and a Holocaust refugee, often accompanies me on school visits. (This photo was taken at Morton West High School in Cicero, Illinois.)
Attending the 2013 Young Authors writing competition at Shepherd Middle School are (from left) Stephanie Bateman, Shepherd LAP teacher; Fern Schumer Chapman, author of “Motherland: Beyond the Holocaust” and “Is It Night or Day?”; Natalie-Anne Lindig, Shepherd Young Author representative; and Mary Lindig, literature and language arts teacher.
A friend produced this deeply moving documentary about the "Stolpersteine." The Germans are installing these stones in memory of those killed in the Holocaust. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeQOuQvAi8E&feature=youtu.be I just learned that some people in my mother's town, Stockstadt am Rhein, are hoping to install "Stolpersteine" to memorialize my grandparents. I, too, will go to Germany for the installation.
"...these stories of resistance, rescue, courage, ingenuity, and survival are a beacon of light amid the dark horrors of the Holocaust. They inspire today’s readers to live by Helmuth Hubener’s words in The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti: 'I don’t want to remember a time I could have done something but didn’t.'” http://www.slj.com/2013/04/books-media/collection-development/focus-on-collection-development/the-holocaust-rescue-and-resistance-focus-on-april-2013/
Yom Hashoah author event in Highland Park North Suburban Synagogue Beth El presents a special Yom Hashoah author program at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 7. Fern Schumer Chapman will take attendees along on her mother's journey as one of the 1,200 children rescued from Nazi Germany and brought to Chicago as part of the One Thousand Children project. The program is open to the community and free of charge. Breakfast ...