The Southern Poverty Law Center’s magazine, Teaching Tolerance, named Is It Night or Day? as a “Teaching Tool” in its Spring, 2011 issue:
Is It Night or Day? ($17.99), by Fern Schumer Chapman, tells the story of Edith Westerfeld, a 12-year-old Jewish girl whose parents send her, alone, to the United States in 1938 to escape the Nazis. Told in Edith’s voice, the novel captures both the specific fears of a child fleeing the Holocaust and the more general experiences of immigrants adjusting to life in a new country. It’s easy to identify with Edith’s loneliness and loss. Her story puts a human face on one way that Jewish children survived the Nazis.
ISBN 978-0-3741-7744-7
Farrar Straus Giroux
(888) 330-8477